If I didn't get this done today, it wouldn't happen. The Twin left on Sunday and I left for a work trip to Boston on Monday morning. Finally home and back on my couch - it is one of my favorite places to be.
What a great table to wake up to!
Cupcake for breakfast - absolutely!
On our actual day of birth I had to work, but we did meet our mom and aunt for lunch. The company was much better then the food. For dinner Mom, Dad, Sis and Nephew and my neighbor cousin came over for Chinese food! Great, no stress b-day dinner.
Of course after dinner there was cake and singing...
I took vacation at the end of the week to spend some time with the Twin. We did some shopping at Anthro, Ikea and the mall. Too bad there was no "I" mug, but you get the idea.
Thats my present from my parents, a new floor mirror!
And here it is in its new home in my master bedroom. Between shopping and this picture, the Twin and I went and got blowouts. It was a first for me and while my hair was a little more curly then I wanted, I will def do it again. Someday I will wear something besides a white T, I don't even want to count how many are in the drawer (they are all different, just so you know)
Friday night we went to XFinity Live, which is right across the street from the ballpark and it was opening day. I would like to think all these people wanted to celebrate our birthday. We had a blast and thanks to another cousin we got to hang out in VIP, above the shit show that was below.
First ever shotski and I think I may need to make one!
Birthday girls!
Saturday morning we had a family photo session. The pictures are our gift to Mom for Mother's Day. I am not crazy about how I look but I am never am...

How adorable is my nephew? The shot below is one of my favorites from the day. We had such a great time.
Our last night we spent at the baseball game. It was the best champagne tailgate with the worst champagne ever. But the hotdogs were fantastic! We had a good time and the Phils won with a walk off :)
I had a great time with the Twin and my family.